I've been watching winter creep up for several weeks now. The Loons on the lake are in their winter colours. I saw a pair of loons the other day - don't usually see them paired up at this time of year, but I confess I got a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing them together. They'd work apart, then swim back together and have a chat, then swim off and go fishing again. Nice.
The coots are also swimming in rafts now. At least that's what my Dad used to call it when they bunched up in the winter time. It's a good way to describe them, as they swim so closely that seen from a distance it looks like a solid piece of black. Saw two big groups last week - about 300 and 400 would be my best estimate. It's hard to tell with that many moving birds.
But give me a break! Christmas stuff in the stores already? I should be used to it by now, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
I've been busy finishing Book Three in the Gold Rush Romance series. It's a fun one as well. I'll post here when I have it ready. I read John Grisham's new book last week and enjoyed it. Right now I'm reading a Scottish romance. Who doesn't love those brawny Scots? Next, I think I'll tackle Michael Connelly's new Harry Bosch. Connelly has created a believable character in 'ol Harry...
Back to work. See you soon.
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