Friday, September 19, 2014

This guy really gets it...

"If you feel somebody trying to put you on, you really feel it."

... That's the way I feel about my writing.
   Are you ever reading along, not really enjoying a book, but reading it because you paid for it, or have time invested in it, and you come across a passage that simply doesn't say anything? I suppose we all have.
   I may even have been guilty of writing some of those in my earlier work... back in the day when I was writing to the infamous 'guidelines' that were set out by the small handful of romance publishers who would look at manuscripts from people like me ... people who weren't big names in the business.
   And then I was set free. Free to write from the heart, to use an overworked expression. It may be overworked, but it's what makes writing worthwhile for me. I've learned to write from the heart recently. I put my characters in real-life situations and have them talk in a way that sounds honest, not the contrived romance-speak that was popular for so many years.
   It's liberating, it's fun, and my readers tell me it makes for a darned good read.
   I think Leonard Cohen gets it more than anyone, with his gritty, honest song lyrics. If you'd like to read a great article from Rolling Stone, here's the link.  Happy reading, and happy listening.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Here I Go Again...

... getting ready to start writing a new book. It's an exciting, if daunting time. A time when I won't get to have coffee with my friends nearly as often as I should. When I write, I put my head down and lose myself in the story. I "see' the setting and the characters, and I hear their words.
   This next one is Book Three in the Gold Rush Romances series. Until I started researching this series, I hadn't realized that Hawaiians played a part in the Gold Rush. The explosion of San Francisco's population created a demand for everything, and the entrepreneurs in Hawaii were only too happy to supply food, especially sugar. The sandalwood trade had just died down, so sugar filled the void nicely. Another thing I learned was that many young Hawaiian men served as seamen on ships sailing all over the world. It makes sense when you think about it... they virtually grew up in and on the water.
   Marriage by Mistake is the story of Nalani Hoapili, a young Hawaiian woman raised by missionaries, and Aidan Edwards, a friend of Jamie's from New York. We met Jamie in Restless Hearts; he's the one with the ranch near Sacramento.
   I won't spoil it for you by telling more of the storyline, but I've really enjoyed plotting it out, and look forward to letting the words come. I expect it will be released some time in November, but I'll keep you informed.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thanks, BookBub!

A big shout-out to BookBub for featuring my FREE book today.
Loving From Afar is Book One in The Women of Independence series. With 83 five-star reviews, it is becoming one of my most popular books. This was an amazing series to write, as it was the first time I allowed myself to incorporate true-to-life events into a romance. It has been described as gritty, heartbreaking, and ultimately satisfying. A couple of readers warned others to have a hankie close by, but in the end, it's a true romance. The two sequels are also complete stories on their own, and, if possible, readers like them even more. The Last Goodbye is Danielle's story, and Never Look Back is Maya's story. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It's great to have friends!

I was bemoaning my lack of technical skills recently on a writers' group. Everyone seems to have such lovely book videos up on YouTube, and I've been too darned busy writing to learn one of the programs.
    Anyway, Cleve Sylcox volunteered to do one for me. This is another example of authors helping other authors. He put together this really cool video for me.  Have a look:

Mona Ingram Books

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

No Such Thing now available

9 September, 2014

No Such Thing is now available at Amazon and iTunes.  Should be released at Kobo and B&N within another day or two. You can read the first few chapters in the post below, or go to the sales page at Amazon and check out the 'Look Inside' Feature.

Here's the blurb:
Lily’s happy life in Shanghai is torn apart when her father dies. An outstanding beauty, her aunt sells her and she’s shipped to California for sale to a brothel owner. But Lily wasn’t born in the Year of the Tiger for nothing. Determined to escape, she watches for her chance in the midst of chaotic Gold Rush San Francisco. Shattered by the loss of everything that matters, Lily is convinced there’s no such thing as love... even when she meets Devon, the young Bostonian who vows to protect her from further harm.